Why Best Practices Fail to Deliver

Most businesses apply the elements of the scientific management process without question even though it was designed to manage production assembly lines. We now know that Best Practices can be too specific, even if they are generalized processes. Best Practices do not address the issues outside of the practice or process. Relying solely on implementing Best Practices of another successful business may not achieve the same result.
A key factor in the success of a business is the organization itself. That is, the organization that carries out the Best Practice. When implementing Best Practices, the organization has to either change it's qualities to match that of the origin of the Best Practice or modify the Best Practice itself to match the capabilities of the organization. Often it requires a bit of both and this impacts the effectiveness of the Best Practices to a business.
The success of Best Practices is also not just the successful implementation of the practice or process itself. It is also the result of supporting processes and additional conditions. Organizations seeking to emulate the Best Practices of a successful business have to also implement the same supporting processes and recreate the same conditions. This is sometimes not made clear or is not done at all because of various reasons. This contributes to the Best Practices not fulfilling their expectations.
Implementing Best Practices itself can be hazardous to the people attempting to implement them. This is especially when Best Practices don't yield the expected result. It would be hard to blame the Best Practice itself as it has a proven track record. So the blame is laid on the people who implemented it. People who were unable to change the organization of the business and were not allowed to implement the additional processes required and to recreate the same conditions the Best Practice flourished in.
The Best Practices concept is still used today and can be applied within industries that are more regimented or have similar organizational structures between businesses. The healthcare industry is a good example. Government regulations specifies minimum requirements or a baseline for it's operations and standards. The result are very similar conditions for processes and practice conducted by similarly organized businesses. Within these types of industries, Best Practices is very useful.

Clearly, a better approach was required. One that addresses not only business process itself but the business organization and the supporting processes. The approach would also take into account the varying conditions of the particular industry.

The better way.


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